Information for doctors
Please contact us if Heartpics could be of service to your practice
Education and events
Please feel free to contact us and book in live scanning demonstrations or echo related presentations, we love to share the knowledge.
Bookings and results
Easy to use patient online booking system.
Multiple sites across South Australia, increasing accessibility for your patient.
Quick turn-around time for results.
All reports viewed and finalised by Cardiologists.
ECG trace sent immediately with report following once reviewed by Cardiologist.
Images are available upon request.
GP referred- Patient bulk billed if within Medicare requirements (outside 2 years between echocardiograms/ cardiotoxic medication/ pericarditis/ myocarditis).
Specialist referred- Patient bulk billed.
Patients under the age of 16 should be referred to a Paediatric Cardiologist for their echocardiogram and electrocardiogram.
Printable referral document