Information for patients
1 / Making an appointment
Scan your QR code at the bottom of the referral and find a location and time that suits you.
Book online via the book appointment button at the bottom left of our page.
Send us an email via with a picture of your referral attached.
We will call you back to make a booking.
Give us a call on 0411 885 343.
2 / Before the test / service
If you are under the age of 16 and you have a referral, please call us on 0411 885 343 as we currently do not provide Paediatric services.
We will need a valid referral from your GP or Specialist.
Medicare or Veterans Affairs card.
A good joke or story to share.
3 / Privacy
We get it. Heartpics recognise the National Privacy Principles (NPP), as set up in the Privacy Act 1988 (amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000).
Australian Privacy Principles - Home (
4 / Billing
GP referred- Patient bulk billed if within Medicare requirements (outside 2 years between echocardiograms/ cardiotoxic medication/ pericarditis/ myocarditis).
Specialist referred- Patient bulk billed through Medicare.
Medicare claims are lodged online at the time of the appointment.
Event monitor (Heartbug) bookings will incur a fitting fee.
5 / Patient Care
At Heartpics we know the importance of patient care and the individual having a positive and comfortable experience. We achieve this for the patient by showing our company's values of being approachable, showing compassion and always exhibiting the upmost integrity.
Our strict patient confidentiality and privacy policies coupled with our patient first attitude will ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all. We will look after you.
6 / Cancellations
We understand last minute changes happen however 48 hours notice would be appreciated.